It is believed that most people need a supplemental intake of vitamins. Despite the huge selection of products in stores and the availability of fruits and vegetables all year round, it is difficult to get all the substances your body needs on a daily basis without exceeding the optimal number of calories.
In addition, modern technologies of growing and transportation of fruits and vegetables reduce their nutritional value. Many products contain large amounts of sugar and saturated fats, which interfere with the absorption of vitamins from food.
It is recommended to choose vitamins individually, taking into account lifestyle, diet and well-being. Not for nothing are developed and special complexes for men and women.
For example, women’s vitamin and mineral complexes often contain iron. In the adult male body the need for iron is less, and its excess can adversely affect the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is better for men not to take multivitamins with this element.
What vitamins and microelements a man needs
Men under 40 need vitamins that stimulate protein synthesis – A, E and B. They normalize the hormonal background, favorably affect the reproductive system, strengthen muscles.
After 40, the need for vitamin C increases, as it slows down the aging of the body and regulates cholesterol levels. It is also good for men who smoke.
At age 50+, it is important to get enough vitamin B12, which helps fight fatigue and increases resistance to infectious diseases, and D, which is important for preventing heart disease, strengthening bones and dental health.
During the reproductive years, it is useful to take a multivitamin with zinc, tocopherol and selenium every year.