Oat kisel is good for the stomach, liver and kidneys, dissolves stones in the gall and bladder, reduces cholesterol in the blood. Oat restores strength, gives energy, gets rid of depression.
For preparation you need to take 1 cup of oat groats, 5 cups of water, 1 cup of milk and honey to taste.
Πleave the mixture on the fire and boil on low heat until it becomes a liquid kissel.
Then add milk to the original volume and boil.
Κo when the decoction cools down a little, you need to add honey to your taste.
Oatmeal kisel cleanses the body of harmful substances. Πostoyannoe use of this drink increases stamina, gives vigor, energy, contributes to a long and healthy life.
How to overcome evening appetite?
You can drink warm water with a teaspoon of honey.
A glass of kefir will also help. It not only satisfies hunger, but also useful for the body.
In the evening, a late dinner can be replaced with a glass of milk, a cup of strong black tea or two glasses of pure water.