Caring for a garden plot is not limited to weeding beds and planting new plants. The aesthetic side of the question is also worth paying attention to if you want to give the garden a proper appearance.
However, faced with high prices for garden decorations in stores, many refuse this idea, considering it too costly. Let’s consider how you can make original crafts for the garden with your own hands: all the novelties and some traditional options.
Garden dolls from flowerpots.
What you can make crafts for the garden with your own hands: all novelties.
Garden decor with your own hands is a great opportunity not only to decorate the territory in an original way, but also to get rid of a lot of unnecessary things in the house. For crafts are suitable for various unused items that can find a new life as a garden decoration. Here are just a few options of what you can use as a base:
used tires;
old unwanted furniture and vehicles;
dishes, plastic bottles, cans;
Bird feeders made with your own hands.
old household appliances;
clothes and shoes;
pieces of pipe or rebar;
stumps, branches or snags.
All this we are accustomed to throw away as unnecessary junk, while with proper design any of these elements can become a worthy decoration of the garden.
Variants of crafts for dacha, garden, yard with their own hands.
Start decorating the site should be with the study of photos of crafts for garden and vegetable garden with their own hands. Looking through the available options, you can exactly repeat the solution you like, or on its basis come up with your own, adapting it to the existing conditions, opportunities and preferences.
The simplest traditional variant of flowerbed design involves the use of pots, vases or ordinary wooden boxes. Old tires are also suitable for this purpose.
Beautiful vases from old shoes.
Another option to decorate the garden is to use garden sculptures made from natural materials or any unnecessary objects. Here are some simple ideas, the realization of which does not require too much effort:
It is easiest to use branches and stumps, which are always enough on garden plots. With their help you can create sculptures of animals, castles and so on. Such an element will be an excellent decoration of the flowerbed, the territory near the pergola or lawn;
you can make a sculpture out of concrete or cement, using a special mold in which the composition is poured in liquid form;
Useful Tip: Any cement or concrete structure requires additional reinforcement. To avoid the destruction of the sculpture or the appearance of cracks, it is necessary to put rebar in the base.
Abstract figures can be made using wire or rebar elements. There are two options here: leave the construction hollow inside or fill it with earth, having previously wrapped it with burlap or netting. In the second case, you can use the sculpture as a base for planting plants;
Stylish wooden crafts.
A traditional vegetable garden scarecrow can be made using unwanted clothes. Contrary to preconceptions, such an element may well become a worthy decoration of the site, especially if you use as an idea for its design the image of some famous character.
In order for the made element to retain its original appearance for a long time, it is very important to choose the right finishing materials for it. First of all, this applies to the paints and varnishes used. Acrylic paint, cold enamel or paint designed to work on glass is best suited. And a resistant varnish will provide reliable protection of the coating.
Browse ideas for crafts for the garden from throwaway material. So, you can get rid of a lot of things that it is a pity to throw away, giving it a new life and at the same time decorating the neighborhood. A great example can be crafts for the garden with their own hands from computer disks.
Crafts from stones and flower pots.
Crafts for the garden with their own hands from improvised materials with a description.
Spring crafts in the garden differ in what materials you will need, as well as the complexity of the manufacturing technology. Consider several not too complicated options that can be realized with minimal time and effort.
Crafts for dacha with their own hands: photos and instructions for creating painted stones
To use stones for garden decoration is a classic technique that has been used for quite a long time. However, it is not necessary to preserve their original appearance. Much more interesting will look elements decorated with an original pattern. For example, you can paint stones to look like cacti, thus creating a very interesting decorative element.
Beautiful cacti from painted stones.
The technology of making cacti from stones:
using dark green paint applied to the stones, the base of the cactus is created;
then using a lighter shade of green and a thin brush, characteristic stripes and dots are applied;
dried stones are covered with a layer of varnish and placed in pots or vases, pre-filled with stone chips.
Another option involves the use of larger stones for the design of the dacha plot. With the help of paint on their surface you can depict various animals, houses, cars, etc. It is easiest to initially apply a drawing with a simple pencil, and then paint it with acrylic paints.
Useful tip: Such elements will be a great decoration of the territory, if you have a decorative pond at your dacha.
Stones painted as snails.
Original decoration of flowerbeds and flowerbeds with their own hands: novelties of all crafts.
Speaking about the decoration of flowerbeds, it means a whole range of the most diverse elements that can transform the appearance of even the most ordinary flowerbed. Dimensions, as well as color solutions are practically unlimited, and you can pick up such a variant, which will look most winningly on your site:
Using ordinary bricks or stumps you can create beds called “alpine gardens”. The main thing is to ensure that the elements are well connected to each other, so that the construction was strong and reliable;
using a small motor, you can make a small fountain, on all sides decorated with flowers;
great popularity are popular crafts from tires for the garden and vegetable garden. Options for decorating flowerbeds with their help are many as the simplest, and suspended and tiered;
fill with earth and plant flowers inside can be almost any unnecessary element, including torn boots, ceramic dishes and furniture.
Homemade flower bed from plaster palms.
Useful tip: Be sure to consider the option of using hanging elements to decorate the garden. Decorations placed on several levels, look much more winning.
Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden and vegetable garden: photos and description of the best ideas.
A huge amount of the most diverse plastic containers are thrown away as garbage, while bottles can be an excellent raw material for making a lot of original decorations for the garden. Consider a few interesting ideas for their use with step-by-step instructions for making them.
Palm tree from plastic bottles for decorating a dacha plot.
In order to make a palm tree from plastic bottles, you will need the following set of materials:
brown and green plastic bottles (preferably several different shades);
sharp scissors;
Palm tree and birds from plastic bottles.
Twigs for the base at least 25 cm long (you can use metal or willow twigs);
metal grommets;
tubes with a diameter of 2 cm;
high-voltage cable (preferably 12-14 mm).
First of all, you need to cut the brown plastic bottles into two parts to get their bottom plus a small reserve. In the bottom part, you need to make a hole of such a diameter that the rod of your choice passes into it. Green bottles are also cut, but in such a way as to separate the bottom and about 1 cm above it. After that, the bottle is cut lengthwise into 3 equal parts (up to the place where the narrowing to the neck begins). At the same time, it is necessary to save the neck.
In order to give the leaves a similarity to the real ones, the edges are cut in such a way that there are jagged edges. After that, the finished elements can be put on the cable. As a result, we get branches, which will later be attached to the trunk. One tree should have 7 branches.
Peacock made of plastic bottles.
After that, you can proceed to the assembly of the structure: the rods are securely fixed in the ground, forming a base. The easiest way to achieve this is to pre-weld them to a sheet of metal, placing them at different angles of inclination. After that, tubes are attached to them and bushings are put on. The length of each rod should correspond to the number of brown parts that will be arranged in a row and another reserve of 3 cm for leaves.
Gnomes from plastic bottles with their own hands: photos of crafts for the garden with step-by-step description.
How successful the figures of garden gnomes look in the design of plots, we know from fashion magazines and modern movies. But here is that such beauty can be made from improvised materials – not everyone knows. Let’s see how you can make such a decoration without spending a lot of effort and money.
Plastic bottle gnomes.
Since the gnome should turn out large enough to be visible in the garden, as a base you need to take a plastic bottle with a volume of 5 or 6 liters. In addition, you will need paints for decorating, brushes, an awl, glue, which can glue the plastic parts together, as well as various little things with which you will want to decorate your creation: beard, eyes, strap, etc.
First of all, you need to paint the bottle in the main color. Do this from the inside to avoid washing off and damaging the layer. The easiest way to do this is to pour the paint inside and spin the container so that only the lower 2/3 of the container is colored. It is important to wait until the paint is completely dry.
At this time you can prepare the details for decoration. Plastic bottles of a smaller volume are perfect for their manufacture. By applying paint with a brush, from small containers you can make a gnome sleeves. If you paint the bottom of the bottles with beige color, you can give them a resemblance to the hands.
Bottles can be used to create many original decorations.
The connection of these elements is made by cutting holes of suitable diameter and additional fixation with the help of wire and special glue. In the same way attach the gnome nose, made from an ordinary cap.
Useful tip! The easiest way to draw eyes and lips is to use an ordinary brush and paint, but for a better effect you can buy ready-made elements designed for dolls.
In order for the figure to be stable enough and not fly away at the first gust of wind, inside the barrel you need to pour sand or earth.
Original decoration of the site: crafts for the garden from mayonnaise buckets.
Make beautiful and original decorations for the street can also be made with the use of such an unusual element as plastic buckets from under mayonnaise. The main condition is that the decoration was resistant to external factors and looked beautiful. Therefore, be sure to cover the finished craft with a waterproof varnish.
Ideas for garden and vegetable garden with your own hands: cachepot from a mayonnaise bucket.
To make a cachepot from a mayonnaise bucket is the simplest and most common option that is used for decorating the garden. At the same time, the best decoration is obtained if you use decoupage technique. So, you can not only create bright colored pots, but also make a whole work of art: unique and inimitable. Moreover, this technique will be a great solution for those who are not very good at drawing.
In order to make an original pot in this way, you need to follow the following algorithm:
the bucket should be degreased by wiping it, for example, with alcohol;
then use a sponge and apply one or two layers of white paint to the surface;
Mayonnaise pail and burlap planters.
While the paint is drying, prepare elements of napkins that you like the pattern. Thematically it can be anything: flowers, animals, patterns;
separate the top layer of the napkin, the one with the pattern on it;
Helpful Tip! For a more aesthetic appearance of the finished pot, the edges of the used napkins are recommended not to cut, and neatly snip. This way, the joints will be almost invisible.
Apply a layer of PVA glue to the bucket and carefully attach and spread the pictures on top;
after complete drying, cover the finished product with varnish.
Crafts from tires for the garden and vegetable garden with their own hands.
Spheres in which old car tires can be used, do not even list. And the design of the dacha plot does not represent an exception. Homemade playgrounds made with the help of this material, as well as flowerbeds and flower beds are very popular. In the network you can find a lot of different master classes of crafts from tires for garden and vegetable garden with their own hands. Let’s consider a few simple variants of design.
A donkey in a harness made of old car tires.
The most primitive option is a round flowerbed made of car tires. To call such a creation a masterpiece is difficult, however, with proper decoration and it can serve as a decoration of the garden. A little more complicated, but much more spectacular – a bed of several tires, located one on top of the other.
To give interesting effects, you can use tires of different diameters, placing a large one at the bottom and gradually reducing the size. Great looking and suspended flower beds from tires. If you leave the disk inside and properly fix it, then you can pour earth inside. The main thing is to take care of a reliable fastening, since the total weight of such a design will not turn out to be too small.
Crafts from foam for garden and vegetable garden with their own hands: photo examples and tips.
Another unusual material that has also found its application and in the decoration of the garden exterior – mounting foam. Due to a number of characteristics, such as light weight, ease of processing, insensitivity to rain and temperature fluctuations – make this material extremely suitable for garden crafts. Such a solution will be an excellent alternative to crafts from plaster for the garden with your own hands.
The first thing to pay attention to is the manufacturer’s recommendations, indicated on the cylinder with the purchased mixture. The foam itself in the cylinder has a liquid consistency and hardens due to contact with air. As a rule, it takes 10-12 hours to dry completely.
Plaster- and enamel-coated foam figurines.
Useful tip: Do not forget about personal safety measures when working with assembly foam. How exactly to protect yourself – you will also be prompted by the information provided by the manufacturer on the cylinder.
Here are some simple tips for working with this material:
Mounting foam does not like cold, so it is better to work with it at plus air temperature;
before starting work, the cylinder should be thoroughly shaken;
in the process of squeezing out the foam, hold the can with the cap down. In this way, the gas will not escape from the cylinder and you will be able to use all the foam that is in it;
keep to the recommended (usually 10-15 minutes) time interval between coats. Otherwise, uncured foam may fall off under the weight of the next layers;
to work with the foam was more convenient, you can use a special mounting gun.
Ideas of crafts for the garden from foam with your own hands.
Looking at the photo of the garden with your own hands, for the design of which figures from foam, you can see that the possibilities of this material are practically unlimited, and with its help you can create a variety of sculptures. However, in order for the figure to turn out strong, it is necessary to provide it with a strong and reliable frame. For this purpose, you can use plastic or tin bottles, as well as wood, wire or rebar.
A spectacular bird made of mounting foam and fabric.
For example, to make a snail, it is enough to follow a simple algorithm:
on a previously prepared surface (you can do it on an ordinary table covered with oilcloth), apply the first layer of foam, which will become the base;
after drying, apply the second layer of foam and insert a plastic bottle into it, which will act as the neck of the snail;
cover the plastic bottle with foam and shape it with your hands;
the snail’s head and horns are also shaped by hand;
to make the shell, apply foam to the body of the snail, giving it the appropriate rounded shape. At this stage, you can insert a small bucket or a pot for planting flowers into the shell;
Using the same foam, make characteristic curls on the snail shell. With the help of paint and foam, decorate the resulting craft.
The frog from the foam can be made as follows:
As a base, use an old pot and a jar. Fill them with foam and let them dry. The pot will play the role of the torso, and the can will become the head of the frog. In order for the construction to be solid, it is recommended to fasten the parts with wire;
for the frog to have legs, use a strong enough wire, also covered with mounting foam;
give the characteristic shape to the not yet cured foam with your hands;
use paint to give the frog the desired color and make its eyes.
Making a lizard from assembly foam.
To give stability to the resulting figures, you can pour sand inside the containers used. Then it will turn out more stable and will not succumb to strong gusts of wind. All inaccuracies and extra pieces of foam can easily be removed with a stationery knife, giving the sculpture the most accurate shape. And in order for the foam figure to serve you longer, you can additionally put a layer of putty on it, which will perform a protective function.
Useful tip! In the process of decorating garden sculptures, you can use LED lighting. So, in the evening the figure will glow, and create a unique festive atmosphere in the garden.
Self-decorating the garden is easy, and for this purpose you can use a lot of ideas. After all, not only flowers and trees can help you properly decorate the territory. Crafts made by your own hands will be a great alternative to purchased models, giving your site uniqueness and bringing a unique zest to its appearance.