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7 rules for raising a happy child

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  • Post last modified:January 9, 2025

⏺ Never speak for the child.
Wait for him/her to formulate a thought and do not push.

⏺ Demonstrate good habits by example.
It’s a corny tip, but if you want to convey to your child that exercise is healthy and necessary, then the whole family should take ten minutes to exercise in the morning.

⏺ Believe in your child.
It is important to remember to motivate him or her often and correctly

⏺ Accept your child’s mistakes and don’t nag him for them. It is important to explain that a mistake is also an experience, analyze the situation together.

⏺ Allow your child to dream, do not hinder him. One day his fantasy may become reality, and he may become a genius of his time.

⏺ Don’t do things for your child that he can do himself, such as brushing his teeth or putting away his toys.

⏺ Tell your child that the path to a big dream is rarely without sacrifice.

Why shouldn’t we be overly strict parents? 

It is one thing to scold for a bad deed, and another to nag on every little thing.

There is still a myth that the higher the demands placed on a child, the more successful he or she will grow up to be. In fact, we get the opposite effect: shaken psyche, behavioral problems and even delays in development. And of course, mediocre relationships with parents.

Punishment for bad grades is also harmful – it will only lead to a decrease in overall performance. Scold and reward for what’s really important.

A “D” in the diary and a broken cup (as opposed to a ruined childhood) have never made anyone unhappy.

How do you teach your child not to interrupt?

It is necessary to explain to children that if they want to say something and someone is already talking, just put your hand on your wrist and wait a little. It won’t take long before children stop getting involved in conversations.

And most importantly, no more rude phrases like “Don’t interrupt!”, “Stay out of the conversation!”, or “Wait!”
This little secret will make your communication easier.

Smart tips for raising boys.

1)Don’t make fun of your son. He will stop being good naturedly funny with you.

2)Try to answer any questions he has. Don’t dismiss them, but be happy when he asks them.

3)Consult with your son. In this way he develops a sense of importance (early self-esteem) and communicative competence.

4)If a boy cries? He should be comforted. A child should not cry without being comforted. It seems that the child cries for nothing, but it is nothing for an adult, the child does not know what is a trifle and what is not, he must be consoled, and then explain the meaning of the event.

Left without consolation, he feels rejected. This is a condition for the formation of hard-heartedness and indifference.

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