This process usually begins six months after birth, but depending on heredity and other factors, the timing may vary
When teething, the child experiences pain, temperature rises, hence the constant crying. There is an abundant discharge of saliva, slight irritation around the oral cavity
This can require a decent amount of patience. In such a difficult period, you should take the baby in your arms more often, caressing, distracting from unpleasant sensations with toys. To meet the need of the child something to chew and hold in the mouth naturally you can use special rubber rings or toys, so-called teethers. You can offer your child some dried food or baby cookies
To relieve swelling and inflammation of the gums, the child can be given cool water in a bottle, cool fruit puree or kefir. It is important that the liquids are not too cold, otherwise the child will catch a cold
Toothbrush massage.
Toothbrush speech massage is a simple and effective method of stimulating the speech apparatus. It activates the speech organs, improves blood circulation and sensitivity.
The procedure is useful not only for the correction of speech disorders, but also for prevention.
Using the toothbrush, you can massage the tongue, gums and inner surface of the cheeks, which stimulates the correct pronunciation of sounds and enriches the articulation base of the child